Monday 9 February 2015

Variant #1

Skill Tree Maze

Although skill tree mechanics was widely used and developed in PC and Console games, its application in endless casual mobile games is still in an infantile stage.
Therefore, I would like to explore two possible variants for this kind.

Keep in mind that while designing game mechanics for endless casual game, we should provide players a fun, accessible, relaxed and forgiving game environment.
On the other hand, the power-ups from the skill trees should be only served as spices without affecting the main game mechanics too much.

Although using a traditional predesigned skill tree will increase engagement in the beginning, it usually feed energy but couldn’t assure the replayability.

As a consequence, the first variation introduces the concept of skill tree maze.
Instead of a predesigned and fixed skill tree, the paths and skills in the skill tree maze are randomized.

  • All the power-ups are randomly distributed in the skill tree. 
  • Player can only see those skill(s) directly connected to the origin point or any activated skills. 
  • Starting from the centre of the maze, player invests the skill points/coins gained from the game and chooses whatever paths he/she feels right.  

That way, the skill tree itself becomes an interesting mini puzzle game.
The chance and unknown mechanics scales down the unnecessary strategy elements for casual games, and increase the playability and enjoyment.

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